With Countless people Across the Globe practicing social distancing Due to the coronavirus outbreak, It Is Going to surprise few that Facebook has seen a Big Spike in the Usage. The social networking giant this week posted some fascinating data about the matter after receiving a number of questions about how the coronavirus crisis is affecting the use of its
In a number of the countries which were hit hardest by the virus officially called COVID-19, complete messaging across Facebook’s platforms has increased by over 50% during the previous month, while video and voice calling have more than doubled on Messenger and WhatsApp.
Looking specifically in Italy, among the worst-hit countries that is still dealing with new scenarios, Facebook said it has seen up to 70 percent more time spent on its own, Instagram and Facebook Live views in Italy doubled in the space of a week, messaging improved by greater than 50 percent, and time spent group calling (calls with three or more participants) increased by over 1,000% over the last month.
In a message accompanying the stats, Facebook’s Alex Schultz, vice president of analytics, and Jay Parikh, VP of engineering, noted how COVID-19 has upended the lives of countless people around.
Since the pandemic expands and more people practice physically distancing themselves from one another, this has also meant that many more individuals are using our programs.”
How can be Facebook’s technology managing this abrupt surge in usage over its services?
Schultz and Parikh described the present situation as”unprecedented” and”harder than normal,” in part because a lot of its workforce is currently dispersed after being advised to work at home.
We’re monitoring use patterns attentively, making our systems more effective, and incorporating capacity as necessary,” the team stated, adding,”To help alleviate potential network congestion, we are temporarily reducing bit Prices
for videos on Facebook and Instagram in certain areas.
Last, we are conducting testing and further preparing so we can quickly react to any issues which may arise with our solutions.”
Schultz and Parikh even responded to queries regarding how the crisis is affecting Facebook’s bottom line, stating that as the company does not monetize lots of the services where it
is seeing increased engagement, it has really seen a weakening in its advertising business in nations which are taking aggressive actions to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
While Facebook has endured some severe outages in the last few years, the service seems to be holding up nicely at the present time as more people than ever head to its programs to remain in contact with loved ones.